Information and verbal exchange Technology: a new approach in vocational and technical education in a democratized Nigeria. South West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 709 718 . European Union 2005. The use of ICT for studying and teaching preliminary vocational schooling and coaching. Final report to case examine answer EU Commission, DG Education and Culture. Abstract: This study aimed in selecting case look at solution effectiveness of Health Literacy Multimedia Package HAMP in improving case study solution health consciousness level on occupational ailments of case study answer girls engaged in coir industry. The document said police found out two unlawful marriage bureaus in Lahore, adding one operated from an Islamic center and madrassa — case look at answer first conventional document of poor Muslims also being focused by brokers. The Muslim cleric concerned fled police. After case look at answer acquittals, there are different cases before case study solution courts concerning arrested Pakistani and at the least an alternative 21 Chinese suspects, in response to case examine answer record sent to case examine solution preferable minister in September. But case look at solution Chinese defendants in case look at solution cases were all granted bail and left case study answer nation, say activists and a court docket official. Pakistani policemen escort handcuffed Chinese nationals as they arrive in courtroom in Lahore on June 10, 2019. The men are accused of allegedly luring younger Pakistani ladies into fake marriages and forcing them into prostitution in China.