Another regulatory modification is posted in recent booklet of IRDA regulation regarding case examine solution licensing of Corporate Agents2 Specified adult to satisfy case examine solution education and exam: According to new regulation of IRDA only case study answer real individuals have to satisfy case examine answer schooling and examination requirement as insurance agent. A restrictive characteristic of Bancassurance is that it limits case study solution ambit of corporate agents to fee based mostly incomes and rules out case look at solution probability of gain sharing in case examine answer agency. Hence it influences case study solution basic mind-set of case examine solution already operating bank employees thus acting as a restrictive feature. Another restrictive feature is that case examine solution products sold via bank channels/ networks can also be extremely ecocnomic and so such agreement with banks is extremely a good idea for banks only and therefore case examine solution pursuits of case look at solution coverage sector is shaken. Bancassurance has its own shortcomings but certainly if applied correctly it may well modification case study solution face of Indian economic climate for its own good. Bancassurance is a tool which is advisable to bank, customer and insurer at case study answer same time. An staggering read. and respective householders. Other product and company names shown could be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page in response to associate relationships and commercials with companions adding Amazon, Google, and others. As a user in case examine solution EEA, your approval is required on a couple of things.