VK Vkontakte at first, is a social network created by Pavel Durov, internationally referred to as VK. Pavel, who studied philology at case study answer Saint Petersburg State University, created case look at solution website of case study answer college and a discussion board on it with case examine answer help of his brother Nikolai. Originally a website for Russian scholars, but now anybody can register. It is case look at answer optimum site in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Because of its design and functionality, it’s frequently said that VK is a similar to Facebook, not just for being the same concept, but as a enterprise model comparable. However, case examine solution addition of other points makes it an multi functional, akin to different sites like YouTube, Pandora, with an interface that is extraordinarily reminiscent to Facebook, but in an easier and intuitive. She is completely worth all case examine answer awards and recognitions that she has and should have in case look at solution destiny for all case examine answer trouble she has undergone before she got to wherein she is presently. Her cosmetic is an amazing addition to case examine solution global of noted individuals in Hollywood and she or he made it a degree to keep up with case examine answer fast pace of movie star stardom and determined to provide her look a fresh new image by going through plastic surgery nose job to present her complete face a complete make over. And this helped her make it to case look at solution best of case look at answer Hollywood stars. She went to Beverly Hills to boost her nose in guidance for her next task being cooked by case examine answer bosses, where her role earned her awards and huge addition to case examine answer variety of her fans. She got case examine answer idea from her handler who suggested if she was inclined to amendment her appears and feature a make over. Since no one likes a do over if it wasn’t case look at answer style, she said yes.